
Flare - cyanotype on canvas - 95 x 65cm - Kari Cahill 2022 portrait.jpeg
Flare - cyanotype on canvas - 95 x 65cm - Kari Cahill 2022.jpeg
Flare - cyanotype on canvas - 95 x 65cm - Kari Cahill 2022 portrait.jpeg
Flare - cyanotype on canvas - 95 x 65cm - Kari Cahill 2022.jpeg



Cyanotype on Canvas
95 x 65cm

These work evoke the space between interior and exterior spaces. The canvas surface is folded in on itself. Once exposed to sunlight only the outer facing folds are oxidised by UV, leaving the interior sections blank. The deep Prussian blue form emerges from within the work.

Cyanotype is a process whereby surfaces are oxidised by UVA radiation when exposed to sunlight, leaving behind a deep blue colour. Literally painted by the sunlight. It is a sustainable, organic chemical mixture of ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide commonly seen in architectural blueprints, though perhaps more commonly recognised as the process pioneered by botanist Anna Atkins to produce her 1894 images of algae specimens. The process of creating ecological ‘blueprints’ through painting with sunlight captures the photosynthetic agency of landscapes.

Price excludes shipping. Please select ‘All other canvas works’ shipping option and I will arrange shipping with you via email depending on where you are in the world.

If you would like to pay in 3 installments over a few months please get in touch via email and we can arrange a payment schedule to suit you.

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