Artworks for sale

The paintings in this new collection -‘Between Being and Becoming’ explore the concept of thresholds - the liminal spaces where transformation occurs. The paintings in this series portray moments of tension found where one state of being transitions into another. These works inquisite the borders we encounter in our personal, cultural, and geographical landscapes.

The abstract forms and textures in these pieces evoke both macro and micro views of land - aerial perspectives of vast terrains and close-up examinations of weathered surfaces. Shifting focus between scale in this way asks us to broaden our views of space and place.

When painting, as I apply ink in layers, I hold myself in delicate balance between control and surrender of form. As the pigments and inks evaporate, floating charred particles roam and sidle their way into place much like dust or sand would on the air and earth. I punctuated the monochrome pallet with occasional bursts of pastel colour, the glinting side stories that line the edge of transition, informing our intuition as we move through moments. 

Ashen Brink Beyond

Charred Gum Bark & Iron Gum Ink
420 x 297

A$700 / €425

Chamber Cave

Bone Black & Pastel
420 x 297

A$700 / €420

Glimpse Without Ghost

Charred Gum Bark & Iron Gum Ink
420 x 297

A$700 / €420

Of Verge Lines

Bone Black & Pastel
420 x 297

A$700 / €420

In some works, distinct lines are cut into the paper, causing an interruption to the image. These delineations speak to the human tendency to categorize and separate, as we search for familiarity and meaning. Yet the organic flow between sections challenges these rigid divisions, suggesting a permeability of the borders we often perceive as fixed.

The muted palette is created from eucalypt/gum bark, banksia cones and bones. The eucalypt tree is self-shedding, dropping its limbs and outer layers of bark as it grows. I gathered banksia cones on the coast, where seasonal fire had scorched through the landscape, raising temperatures high enough for the banksia seeds to be released from the cones. I collected ccattered bones from the valley landscape. I charred them in a wood stove until the calcite blackened, and ground them into a fine pigment.

The natural materials move through their own process of being and becoming. In my hands, the cyclical nature of these materials, transformed by the elements form a dialogue between creation and destruction. 

Ultimately, this series speaks to the transformative potential of threshold spaces - in our personal journeys, our cultural interactions, and our relationship with the physical world around us.

She Wanes, Without

Charred Gum Bark, Wine Gum Ink & Iron Gum Ink
420 x 297

A$1500 / €910

She Wanes, Within

Charred Gum Bark, Wine Gum Ink & Iron Gum Ink
420 x 297

A$1500 / €910

Their Murmuring Veins

Charred Gum Bark, Wine Gum & Iron Gum Ink
420 x 297

A$700 / €425

Smoke Shroud

Charred Gum Bark & Iron Gum Ink
420 x 297

A$500 / €300

Vista Veil

Banksia Cone & Pastel
420 x 297

A$700 / €420

Glimpse It Goes

Banksia Cone & Pastel
420 x 297

A$700 / €420


Bone Black & Pastel
205 x 297

A$650 / €400

Etched in Bone

Bone Black & Pastel
210 x 297

A$650 / €400

Over Skittering Way

Bone Black & Pastel
210 x 297

A$650 / €400

And On Ago, Linger

Bone Black & Pastel
210 x 170

A$600 / €360


Bone Black & Pastel
210 x 170

A$600 / €360

Hold, Threshold

Bone Black & Pastel
420 x 297

A$850 / €520

Smoothed Out Strata

Gum Bark Ink & Iron
270 x 200

A$500 / €300

Way, Sway

Gum Bark Ink & Pastel

A$390 / €230


Gum Bark Ink, Bone Black & Pastel
146 x 74

A$280 / €170